Monday, August 10, 2015

How to Get Bigger Breasts Naturally - 3 Exercises That Work

Of all the body parts that women feel least confident about, the breasts seem to be the most popular. For centuries, fuller breasted women have been more popular and this stems back to a time when pregnant women with swollen breasts where considered sexy because they could bear children. Nothing has changed in the way that men view women, they just don't know exactly why they like big breasts so much.

This desire to have bigger breasts has made the plastic surgery industry boom and while this is still considered to be the most popular method of breast enlargement, there are woman who don't want to take the risk of going under the knife, but still want to have the firmer, larger breasts.

The safest way to get bigger breasts is to do it naturally and there are a variety of different techniques you can use to improve size, shape and firmness of your breasts. Besides breast massage, breast yoga and herbal supplements, you can start doing some simple breast exercises in the comfort of your own home.

Breast exercises are easy to perform and a routine taking no more than twenty minutes of your day, you can have the breasts you have always wanted. There are around thirteen well documented breast exercises to perform and here are three of the most commonly used to begin your routine with.

1. The Palm Press:- Placing the hands with palms facing each other at chest height, you press the palms together. Hold and release. Complete this exercise multiple times, working up to the required sets you want. This is not a strenuous exercise, but will result in the pectoral muscles lining the breast to improve dramatically.

2. The Waist Twist:- Sitting in a chair with spine straight, turn your torso to the right as far as the body will go. Hold and then turn it the other direction. This exercise works on the side muscles of the breast resulting in the breast looking fuller and the cleavage being more pronounced.

3. The Finger Lock:- This is the opposite of the palm press. Locking your fingers together pull your arms apart. This will work the same muscles as the palm press but will improve the appearance of saggy breasts.

These exercises are a great start to your natural breast enhancement routine. There are a variety of excellent exercises that will improve the lift, contour and shape of your breasts as well as helping with the overall size.

Frustrated with not being able to fill your top? Tired of having to rely on push-up bras to create the look you want - But don't want to ever go under the knife? You can get the breast you've always wanted, totally naturally for a fraction of the price and pain of surgery or pumps or pills.

Increase Breast Size - 3 Easy Exercises to Increase Your Breast Size

It's in a woman's nature to want to feel attractive and desired and everywhere we look, we see that men desire woman with full, perky breasts. Having surgery is not the only option for woman who want to improve the overall look of their breasts. There are exercises that you can do at home that will improve the size of your breasts by defining the muscles that control the lift and shape of your breasts.

Exercise #1.

Pushups:- Pushups have been known to enhance a mans chest for decades, but this same exercise can have excellent results in woman if done with their body structure in mind. Distance between the hands is vital to working different muscles in the chest area, and the benefits of keeping your knees together will greatly improve the exercise.

Exercise #2.

The Palm Push: - This exercise can be performed anywhere in a sitting position. Raise your hands to chest height and push your palms together. The exercise involves pushing and releasing tension between your palms and you will definitely be able to feel the muscles in your chest area working during this exercise.

Exercise #3.

The Kneeling Dip:- The kneeling dip is a great exercise for improving the perkiness of your breasts. It is performed on your knees and may require a little practice to find the most comfortable starting position. This exercise will improve the shape of the frontal part of the breasts.

There are over 13 excellent, easy to perform, home exercises that will dramatically improve your breast size and shape. All breast enhancement exercises are best performed on a regular basis to achieve the best results. Just as a normal exercise routine produces the best results if you maintain that routine, so your breast will achieve the best results if you follow an exercise routine.

Frustrated with not being able to fill your top? Tired of having to rely on push-up bras to create the look you want - But don't want to ever go under the knife? You can get the breast you've always wanted, totally naturally for a fraction of the price and pain of surgery or pumps or pills.

Bigger Breasts - Exercises to Enhance the Size of Your Breasts

There are so many women in the world today that are not happy with the size of their breasts. There are some that would like a reduction but there are many more who would like to have bigger breasts. Having bigger breasts would mean a lot to these ladies as many of them feel unattractive and lack in confidence due to the size of their boobs. Unfortunately many of these ladies simply do not want to have breast augmentation surgery, either because they do not want to traumatise their body by having an operation, or simply can not afford the money it would cost.

One method to get naturally bigger boobs is through exercise. Although a breast is made up of fatty tissues and milk glands it is still possible to make it bigger with some simple exercises. What you will actually be exercising is the pectoral muscle situated behind the breast. Working this muscle will push your breasts up and out and make them bigger. There are quite a few effective exercises to achieve the results you want so I thought I would highlight my favourite and most effective ones.

1. Press-ups are really effective when searching for an exercise to increase breast size. This helps to keep the chest muscles nicely toned. To perform a push up correctly you should place your hands and knees on the floor and keep your hands level with your breasts. Keeping your back straight as you do this you should lower yourself gradually towards the floor and then push-up. Repeat this exercise another 10 - 15 times.

2. The vertical press up is also extremely effective and simple to do. Facing a wall ensure that you are an arm's length away. Now placing your hands on the wall and keeping your elbows straight you should try and push the wall away from you. Hold this position for about ten seconds and then relax for ten seconds. You should aim to repeat this exercise between ten and twenty times every day.

3. A nice simple exercise is doing arm swings. To do this effectively you should stand up straight and swing your right arm in a clockwise direction for approximately ten seconds. The rest this arm and repeat the exercise with your other arm. Once you have completed this repeat the exercise but this time move your arms in a counter clockwise direction.

Performing these exercises will help to give you bigger breasts as long as you remain committed to them. You will not see any results if you go about them half heartedly.

Easy Natural Breast Enhancement Exercise

If you ask women if they desire larger and perkier breasts, most would say yes. But most of them will say no to augmentation surgery. The implants might be desired by some, but certainly not everyone. But the good news is there are more than one way to grow your breasts.

Increasing breast size naturally doesn't have to be difficult. And more importantly, there should be no compromising on your part when using these natural breast enlargement methods. You will likely have unnatural-looking breasts with implants, as that's what most people tend to complain about. And that's one of the reasons why more and more of non-invasive ways to enhance the cup sizes and firmness of breasts are being acknowledged and accepted by experts.

Below you will find easy-to-do exercise moves to help you enhance the appearance of your breasts. Consistency is the key. If you do the exercise with 12 repetitions a day, at least 3 days a week, you will begin to see some results within the first month.

The bench press is an exercise called the useful exercise in your case. The best exercise for shaping and firming your bust line is the bench press, which not only flatters your bust-line and goals of your character, but also shapes your shoulders and tightens the backs of your upper arms.

Require: - pair of dumbbells weighing between 5-10 pounds, a bench

Method to do the bench press exercise: 

  • Lie flat on a bench with your feet on the ground, one foot on each side of the bank
  • Keep your head, shoulders and back firmly positioned on the bench
  • Roll your shoulders back so the shoulder blades are firmly pressed against the bench and the chest is sticking out making you slightly curved
  • Hold the dumbbells about 18 inches apart and parallel to the floor with your palms facing up; the wider the handle is on the outer area of ​​the breast the more work will get done
  • Slowly press the dumbbells straight up, away from your chest
  • Extend your arms fully so that the dumbbells are directly above your chest. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position before pausing slightly at the top of the movement
  • Inhale and hold your breath as you lower weights. When they reach the chest level, you can then begin to move the weight back up
  • Exhale as you pass the point of greatest resistance

Remember that consistency and commitment will get you to where you want to be. To get bigger breasts without surgery is possible and easy to do. Just do not quit before you achieve your goal.

Massages to Increase Breast Size

When looking to increase breast size massage has become a popular option for many women. Not only can it increase the size but also make the breasts firmer and more rounded. Breasts are made up of mainly adipose fats and tissues. Both of these are very responsive when stimulated. This is why breast massaging is an effective method to increase breast size.

Breast massage helps improve the shape of your boobs and gives the appearance of a fuller bust. It also helps promote the growth of healthy cells in the breast area.

This particular method of massage is very popular in Asia. Breast massages have been undertaken for therapeutic and aesthetic reasons. Breast massage stimulation encourages drainage in the lymphatic system. It is also beneficial when trying to heal scars as it promotes the regeneration of healthy tissues. Any type of massage or stimulation will aid the body to get rid of toxins. A majority of women wear their bra for nearly 15 hours a day and this can restrict the natural flow of toxins. Massage will help disperse those toxins and encourage healthy breasts.

A great number of women who have used breast massage techniques state that they felt better about themselves as well as an improvement in the appearance of their breasts. Massage aids in relaxation not only for the mind but body too. They can also influence your self confidence.

Many ointments and creams have been created to boost the benefits when used with breast massage. The use of such creams is known to improve the fullness of the breast as well as the overall appearance. It will also stimulate growth of tissues to give your breasts a perkier, larger appearance.

In Thailand the government has stated that a massage of the breasts is very beneficial to the health. This fact alone is evidence that this particular form of massage can help in a women's well being.

Currently there are a number of procedures when performing a breast massage to increase breast size. But they all follow these simple steps.

1. Add some massage oil to your breasts. This is to reduce friction and enhance your pleasure at the same time. After all if it feels nice it will not seem so much of a chore. You would get a better result if you use a massage oil made from geranium oil and ylang ylang.

2. Start rubbing the breasts in a circular motion. Ensure your hands are moving from the outside of your body towards the middle in a circular motion. You need to do around 100 - 300 circular movements on each breast for the best results. This massage will encourage the blood to populate the breasts and increase breast size.

3. To experience any increase in the size of your breasts this massage should be made a stable part of your daily routine. It is probably best to perform this breast massage after bathing as your skin will be more subtle and responsive to the massage. The main benefits of this technique are you can do it anytime that suits you and it is cheap to do. Once you have mastered the technique the whole massage should only take a maximum of fifteen minutes every day.

Breast Massage for Beautiful Breas

Beautiful breast enhances the beauty of women. If a woman is having a normal proportionate breast then no doubt she looks attractive and gorgeous. But it has been found that in lots of women the breast lacks proper size and shape disrupting her personality and beauty.

Below are the 4 step procedure of breast massage that will help you increasing the size and maintaining its proper shape their by enhancing the beauty.

1. With the help of your fingers gently smooth away from nipple. The pressure should be gentle and should move directly away from the nipple. This stroke should be slow and gentle to get the maximum effect.

2. Second part comprises of the gentle massage of the breast having kneading motion. This should be done by upward lift and pressing movements.

3. With the hands slowly and gently twist the breast in clock wise and then anticlockwise movements. This process should be carefully done and rigorous movements can cause damage.

4. With the help of both the hands apply moderate pressure on the sides of the nipples vertically to move out wards.

Below are the few ayurvedic herbs that are very helpful in increasing the size of their breast when their oil is plied locally.

· Fenugreek seeds - Fenugreek seeds or more commonly known as methika seeds are very helpful in improving the general health condition. It is very effective in treating the indigestion in the body and regularizing the peristaltic movements in the body. It is also responsible for stimulating various hormones on the body that are helpful in carrying out the physiological activities of the body. It is also responsible for enhancing the growth of the breast tissues there by increasing their size. It is also helpful in increasing the milk production in nursing mothers.

· Silybum marianum - It is the most famous herb that is very widely used in increasing the breast size. This is a powerful herb that penetrates deep into the breast tissue thereby increases the breast size. Due to increased blood supply to the breast tissue, the cells of the breast tissue get properly nourished. It is also helpful in stimulating the hormonal activities that are also very helpful in enlarging the breast size.

· Wheat germ oil - It is one of the best agents that are very rich in vitamin E. Vitamin is very essential for beautiful skin. Wheat germ oil is also very effective in increasing the blood flow toward the breast tissue there by supplying it with proper nourishment and oxygen for proper metabolism. This enhances the breast size.

· Raphanus sativus - Commonly known as radish. It is an herb that is very helpful in improving the blood circulation in the body. It is also helpful in stimulating the endocrinal system for better section of the hormones their by enhancing the physiological activities of the body.

· Soya bean - Soya bean is considered one of the best vegetarian protein supplements. It is helpful in supplementing the lost protein in the body. When it is applied locally on the skin part it helps in regeneration of protein in that part of the body especially the breast. It thereby helps in increasing the size of the breast.

How To Increase Breast Size Naturally By Massage

Do you constantly think about having bigger breasts? Are you self conscious about your nonexistent breasts which can make you feel less feminine? You are not alone which is why breast augmentation surgery is the number one cosmetic surgery procedure and has been for many years. If you do not have the money for surgery, or want to avoid the fake look of breast implants, or avoid the various risks and complications of surgery and are looking for natural ways to increase breast size, this article discusses how to increase breast size naturally by massage.

Increasing Breast Size Naturally

If you are less than pleased with what nature gave you as far as breasts are concecrned, you will be pleased to know that there are many natural techniques that have been used for centuries by women with small breasts who want to go up a cup size or more. Some of these techniques include using various foods and herbs that contain natural breast growing properties.

Certain exercises can also be used that target the pectoral muscles that are underneath the breasts. When these muscles grow through targeted exercises, they can give the illusion of bigger breasts.

Another of the popular methods on how to increase breasts size naturally is by massage. This technique goes back to an ancient Taoist exercise known as the female deer that has been used for thousands of years.

The primary purpose of this exercise is for gynecological health. It does this by regulating female hormones which has many benefits for women and can help to prevent many conditions that result form hormonal imbalance in women such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, etc.

The secondary benefit of this breast massage which is why it is one of the best tips on how to increase breast size through massage is that it helps to stimulate breast tissue which can lead to an increase in breast size.

How to Increase Breast Size by Massage

Massage helps to increase the blood circulation around the breasts. Hormones that can increase breast size travel through the bloodstream and if your breast area is stimulated through massage which allows more blood to flow around the breast area, this will allow your breasts to pick up breast growing hormones such as estrogen (natural or plant based) more easily.

This may help to increase the size of your breasts if the massage is performed on a consistent basis. The massage should not take more than 30 minutes a day to perform and complete. It may seem like a lot but if something is important to you, you will do whatever it takes. Basically, in order to perform the massage, you will use your palms and massage your breasts in a circular motion.

Breast Implant Massage Helps Prevent Capsular Contracture

The biggest concern and risk for any woman undergoing breast augmentation is capsular contracture.

Normally, tissue will surround the implant and form a scar which will be unnoticeable on the outside of the breast. In the case of capsular contracture, the scarring is extreme and becomes visible, tightening around the implant and giving it an unnatural squeezed look. The condition is unsightly and depending on the severity, can cause physical discomfort as well as emotional problems.

It is unknown exactly why certain individuals are more prone to capsular contracture than others, but one method that seems to aid in its prevention is after surgery breast implant massage.

Usually this technique is only used with smooth implants, as textured ones are not meant to be shifted. It is best to consult with your surgeon on what he or she suggests before attempting a post operative breast massage.

The basic theory is that by "massaging" the breast after surgery, the device shifts within the pocket, allowing it to stay open, making it difficult for the tissue to constrict around the implant. The technique is normally begun a few days after surgery and is performed once every few hours.

You will still be very sore and tender so be gentle with your motions. The point is just to shift the implant. The actual massage is usually a simple squeezing motion. You are trying to move it around in the pocket that was created for it. They should be moved up and also to the sides of the breasts.

Your surgeon will recommend the length of time the practice should continue for. Some will recommend only a few months while others believe that breasts should be massaged for the lifetime of the implants. Implant compression might also be suggested as a course of treatment. This involves squeezing the actual implant.

There are other preventative measures to take in order to avoid capsular contracture:

1) If you're a smoker, stop as soon as possible. The longer you quit before your surgery the better your chances of a smooth recovery.

2) Stop taking aspiring and other pain relievers that are unnecessary at least two weeks before surgery or as your doctor recommends.

3) Certain placements, such as sub-glandular, have a higher risk for development of capsular contracture, as do smooth textured devices. Discuss placement and options with your surgeon to determine the best course of action.

4) And of course, always follow of your doctor's instructions before and after surgery.

There is no certainty if any of these measure will prevent the occurrence of capsular contracture, so be prepared to accept it as a risk if you choose to undergo breast augmentation. Fortunately, if you do find that one or both breasts have constricted, revising the problem is usually a simple process that will cause little if any long-term damage. Many women have the problem successfully removed and are still able to keep their implants.

What to Expect Before and After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure to change the size and shape of a woman's breasts. Whether it is reducing the size of breasts that are too large, reconstructing breasts after surgery, or enhancing the size of the breasts, breast augmentation provides women with the body contour they are looking for.

Dr. Hendricks in Newport Beach, California is a plastic surgeon that specializes in breast augmentation in all its forms. "I strive to improve my patients appearance with breast augmentation," says Dr. Hendricks, "I am committed to providing thorough consultations, pre-operative education, and post operative care."

Prior to your breast augmentation surgery, you will have an initial consultation with your plastic surgeon. This is your chance to have all of your questions about breast augmentation surgery answered.

Your plastic surgeon will inform you of what directions you must follow prior to the breast augmentation surgery. You may need to avoid smoking, certain vitamins and drugs, and some food or drink. Also, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your overall health to make sure you are not at risk for any unnecessary complications during breast augmentation surgery, or during the recovery from the surgery.

Breast augmentation is the most common form of plastic surgery performed in the United States, but it is still a surgical procedure, and must be performed by a professional in a medical environment.

On the day of your breast augmentation, you should arrive with a companion to help you after the procedure. Breast augmentation can be performed in an independent surgical facility, or it can be performed in a hospital.

Most of the time, breast augmentation is performed while you are under general anesthesia. This means that you will not feel anything and you will be unconscious for the entire procedure. Some plastic surgeons prefer to perform breast augmentation procedures while the patient is under local anesthetic and sedative. In this case, you would be conscious, but would not feel any discomfort.

During the breast augmentation surgery, the surgeon will make an incision either next to the areola, in the inframammary crease, the transaxillary (armpit) crease, or in the navel for a TUBA (Trans Umbilical Breast Augmentation) procedure. You will work with the plastic surgeon to decide what incision is best for you prior to the breast augmentation surgery.

If the incision is made in the navel or in the transaxillary (armpit) crease, the plastic surgeon will need to use an endoscope to aid them in the placement of the breast implant. An endoscope is a small camera and light that is used to show the surgeon the area of operation.

Once the plastic surgeon has made the incision for the breast augmentation surgery, they will create a pocket behind the breast for the implant. Depending on where you and the surgeon have decided on placing the implant, the pocket will be created either in front, partially behind, or completely behind the chest wall muscle.

After the pocket has been created, the surgeon will place the breast implant. During breast augmentation, the implant can be selected so that it is either filled prior to the surgery, or so that it is filled once it has been placed.

If the implant must be filled, the plastic surgeon will fill it, otherwise, after the implant is placed, the breast augmentation is complete, and the surgeon will close the incision and place bandages around the area to aid the healing process.

After breast augmentation surgery, you will be able to return home to recover. After a few days of healing, the gauze will be removed from the area, but you will still wear a surgical bra as directed by the plastic surgeon. Stitches or sutures will be removed after a week or so, and any bruising or swelling should subside after a few weeks.

For a few weeks your breasts may be sore, but light activity and work can be resumed after just a couple days of rest. Your plastic surgeon will inform you of how long after breast augmentation surgery you should wait to resume some normal activities and exercise.

Scarring from breast augmentation surgery should lessen as the healing process continues, but good placement of the incision and the natural creases or folds of the body should conceal any scars.

The Potential Dangers of Breast Augmentation Surgery And Natural Alternatives That Can Be Effective

Every woman should think about the dangers of breast augmentation before deciding to undergo the procedure. Implant surgery is serious, and with any surgery complications can happen. There can be unexpected reactions to the anesthesia, there is the risk of infection, and scar tissue can result around the implants, causing ongoing discomfort until treated.

The infections that can result from breast augmentation are harder to treat, because of the presence of a foreign object, the implant, inside the woman's body. Toxic shock syndrome is yet another risk associated with this surgery. You need to know that death is one of the dangers of breast augmentation, and it happens to women every year.

One thing you can do if you're bound and determined to have the surgery is to choose a board certified plastic surgeon with great referrals. That reduces your chances of complications, but it does not eliminate them. Remember, breast augmentation dangers extend well beyond the surgery itself. After you get home, the healing process begins, and this can be quite painful and fraught with risks of its own.

For one thing, the surgery has to cut through nerve endings in the breasts, and most women typically experience a change in the sensations in their breasts. Some women report that they have a tingling in their breasts while some experience reduced sensation in the nipples and breast. Others have an increase in sensation, and the breasts become incredibly sensitive and tender. This change can last a few months or for the rest of a woman's life. Nerves are fickle little things that take a long time to heal and sometimes refuse to heal at all.

Other dangers of breast augmentation include the increased likelihood that more surgeries will be necessary later on, because even the best implants can deflate or rupture. Breast implants often need to be replaced or removed. These additional surgeries carry all of the same risks as the original one, plus an increased likelihood of scarring and tissue injury.

The list goes on. Another of the breast augmentation dangers is that the natural breast tissue will atrophy around the implant. This condition, known as chest wall deformity, is specifically when the natural tissue shrinks and becomes very thin, increasing the chances that a women will notice wrinkles around her breasts and even irregular shapes. The atrophy and damage to natural tissues can be permanent, so that a woman who has had the surgery cannot be guaranteed that she can ever go back to having natural breasts without risking disfigurement.

Even if everything goes perfectly and a woman is happy with her results, other more surprising breast implant dangers can still occur down the line. Some insurance companies won't insure a woman with implants. Also, implants can interfere with the accuracy of a mammogram that could diagnose breast cancer. Mammograms for implant patients are also more expensive. If you're twenty-two, you may not be thinking about this much now, but much like tattoos, implants are one of those things that it's hard to undo once you've done it.

The FDA has published the fact that one out of ten women report problems with their implants. Now, ninety percent might have been a good mark on a test in school, but with a close look at the seriousness of the dangers of breast augmentation, it probably isn't such a great grade in this case.

Breast Augmentation Surgery Facts That You Must Know

Breast enhancement in the form of breast implants has been around for a relatively long time, and a lot of women (celebrities and private citizens alike) have benefitted from them. Whether it's because they simply wanted to achieve a more developed and womanly appearance or because they felt they could somehow get ahead in their jobs because of breast enhancement, the surgical installation of breast implants were the go-to option for small-busted women.

While there are plenty of other nonsurgical alternatives to breast enhancement these days, surgical implants remain to be a popular preference due to the following benefits that they pose:

1.) Diets, supplements, and exercises do have an effect on the growth of breast tissue, but their results tend to take time to develop. Surgical breast augmentation, on the other hand, allows for more instant results right after the procedure has been finished.

2.) Most women have a pair of breasts that aren't necessarily perfectly symmetrical or evenly-sized, so surgical breast enhancement is the only alternative that allows a surgeon to correct that in a precise manner.

3.) Surgical implants have also evolved in such a way that you can now transfer fat from other body parts (such as the stomach or thighs) into your breasts. This is a particularly great option if you aren't keen on using the typical saline or silicone implants for the procedure. The fat harvested from the other body parts is purified before it is injected in to the breast tissue, so this results in a more natural look and less health risks to the patients.

Despite the obvious advantages and advances in the world of cosmetic surgery, there are still some caveats that you need to consider before you go under the knife. Some of the cons that accompany surgical breast implants include:

1.) It's a given that women's bodies change over time. However, surgical implants remain constant in size and shape, so they might begin to look incongruous with the rest of the woman's body as she begins to age.

2.) Surgical breast augmentation also remains to be the most expensive breast enhancement option out there. Apart from the surgeon's fees, you would also need to set aside cash for breast revision procedures in the future if you would like your surgically enhanced breasts to keep looking natural as your body ages. A significant change in your breast size will also require a whole new wardrobe and underwear (i.e., bigger bras with better support), requiring you to shell out even more money.

Revealing A Breast Massage to Enhance Breast Size!

Breast massage is a conventional way to promote breast enlargement and health in a natural way. It stimulates healthy boob growth, enhances it's tone and firmness without any side effects.

Massaging the surrounding areas of the bosom is one of the best ways to create a beautiful bust line as it shapes, tones, and promotes tissue growth in the surrounding area.

Regular massaging does not only improve your tone, firmness, and size. It also provides an opportunity for you to check your breast for any possible indications of cancer such as abnormal nodules beneath the tissues.

This type of massage has been used aesthetically and therapeutically, especially in Asian countries. It has been commonly used on women who had undergone mastectomies or knocker surgeries, or had experienced trauma. This massage promotes tissue regeneration and healing. It helps break down scars and enhances lymphatic drainage on the damaged areas of the breast.

Just like any other body organs, the breast can accumulate toxins overtime. Wearing a bra may impede optimum flow of these toxins in the boob tissue as well as lymphatic flow. Massaging them is the beast way to address this problem since it promotes effective lymphatic system drain, thus, preventing harmful toxins to accumulate.

Women who had practiced breast massage regularly claimed that their knockers had enhanced in shape, size, tone, and firmness. This had increased their sense of wellness and improved their confidence about themselves. Just like any other massage techniques, this one provides relaxation and promotes peace of mind.

Other problems women face are sagging and droopiness especially as they age. Many women had used special herbal serums and/ or creams to enhance the effects. These creams had been formulated to enhance skin and tissue firmness and tone.

The popularity of breast massage as a natural and conventional way of addressing these issues in women had got the attention of the government in Thailand. Just recently, there had been reports of their government supporting these types of massages as a means of their enhancement and general health.

Here are some ways for breast massage that you may want to use:
1. Apply a bosom enhancing cream that has natural stimulating herbs that help promote firmness and tone and has soothing effect to increase relaxation and for you to have a more pleasurable experience.

2. Apply light to moderate pressure and prolonged contact on the skin when doing this. Firmly hold your boob with your two hands and apply a gentle back and forth action. The action can be done clockwise or counterclockwise around the bosom, one at a time to, to promote lymphatic drainage.

Breast massage can be practiced daily as a routine or several times a day if you may wish, to maximize its aesthetic benefits and therapeutic effects. This can be done right after shower when the skin is moist and can be easily lubricated. This is a great technique to enhance boob size, firmness and tone in the comforts of your own home at your own time.

If you regularly apply the above techniques, you should notice incredible results over the course of the next few weeks.

However, if you want a quicker, easier and more effective way to grow your boobs, then read on.

Breast Augmentation Surgery - Risks, Possible Side Effects and Alternative Options

There have always been women who have suffered the agony of small, underdeveloped, or sagging breasts. Many have just accepted this as a frustrating but unchangeable situation. Some women, especially from the upper socio-economic classes, have opted for insertion of breast implants by breast augmentation surgery. However, because of the high cost, the risks and the side-effects of breast implants, today better-informed women are becoming hesitant about opting for surgery and are increasingly turning to natural breast enlargement.

The cost and risks of cosmetic surgery make this an undesirable option. The average cost of a breast enhancement surgery is between $5,000 and $6,000. Most people either don't have this kind of money to spend on breast enlargement or prefer to keep this cash for more productive and meaningful purposes!

Nevertheless, breast augmentation is the No. 1 cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the U.S., up 756 percent since 1992, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. In 1992, there were 32,600 procedures; in 2005, it skyrocketed to 279,000.

Yet, despite the popularity, the procedure has been and remains controversial because of the cost, the risks, and the problems of ruptures or leaks in the implants. Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity procedures that were bought in good faith.

Types of Implants

There are two types of implants used in breast enhancement surgery - silicone gel or saline solution. Of these, silicone gel implants are considered to have a superior appearance, superior feel and look more natural compared to saline implants.

However, silicone gel implants are far more dangerous than saline implants. In case of a rupture, the silicone gel can spread into the body, with serious consequences. In fact, the FDA had banned silicone implants in 1992. However, with improved silicone implants becoming available, this ban has recently been lifted.

Saline-filled implants are safer than silicone ones. This is because, should the implant rupture, the saline solution will simply be absorbed by the body. However, saline implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.

Breast Implant Risks and Side Effects

From special mammography considerations, to breastfeeding, to implant leakage, plus the inherent risks in any form of surgery, there are several issues connected with breast implant surgery that one should be aware of, in order to take an informed decision on this matter.


There is a risk that breast implants may impede breast cancer detection. During mammography, X-ray, or ultrasound, the implants can hide suspicious tumors or lesions. Treatment providers must take special care of breast-implant patients during breast exams. Additional views are required, which take additional time for imaging. If you have had breast implant surgery, you must mention this when you make a mammography appointment, so that they can schedule the extra time and special imaging needed.

The radiologist needs to use special imaging - "Eklund displacement views" should be included, in addition to the standard views, to detect lesions and tumors for women who have breast implants.

Mammography also compresses the breasts, which increases the chance of implant rupture, which will require further surgical intervention.

Loss of Sensation

After breast enhancement surgery, some women experience loss of sensation in the nipple and breast areas. Loss of sensation results from damage to nerve endings in the breast and nipple. This loss of sensation may be temporary, but it can also be permanent. The surgical technique used plays a role in this factor.

Leaking & Rupture of Breast Implant Material

There have been several studies of the potential harmful effects of breast implant materials leaking or leaching into the surrounding breast tissue. The studies concluded that there is insufficient evidence of harmful effects caused by implant materials that are approved by the FDA. These FDA-approved materials are also widely used in other types of medical implants, including pacemakers, intraocular lenses, artificial joints, and other medical devices.

The FDA has published a brochure to highlight the more common problems that occur with silicone gel-filled or saline-filled breast implants.

In this brochure, the FDA states:

"Capsular contracture and rupture/deflation are the most common local complications that occur with both silicone gel-filled and saline-filled breast implants.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue or capsule that normally forms around the implant tightens and squeezes the implant. It can happen to one or both of the implants. There are four grades of capsular contracture known as Baker grades.

The Baker grading is as follows

Grade I - breast is normally soft and looks natural

Grade II - breast is a little firm but looks normal

Grade III - breast is firm and looks abnormal

Grade IV - breast is hard, painful, and looks abnormal

Capsular contracture may require re-operation. Re-operation is almost always needed for Grades III and IV, and it may occur again.

Breast implants do not last a lifetime. Some breast implants may rupture/deflate in the first few months after surgery and some after several years. Others may take 10 or more years to rupture/deflate.

When silicone gel-filled implants rupture, some women may notice decreased breast size, hard knots, uneven appearance of the breasts, pain or tenderness, tingling, swelling, numbness, burning, or changes in sensation. Other women may unknowingly experience a rupture without any symptoms (silent rupture). Silicone gel may escape from the scar tissue capsule around the implant, migrate away from the breast, cause lumps, called granulomas, to form in the breast, chest wall, armpit, arm, or abdomen.

Plastic surgeons usually recommend removal and replacement of the implant if it has ruptured, even if the silicone is still enclosed within the scar tissue capsule, because the silicone gel may eventually leak into surrounding tissues.

When saline-filled breast implants deflate, the saline solution leaks either through an unsealed or damaged valve or through a break in the implant shell. Implant deflation can be immediate or progress over a period of days, months, or years and is noticed by loss of size or shape of the implant. Additional surgery is needed to remove and replace deflated implants."

Long Term Risks of Breast Enhancement Surgery

Other than the side effects and risks outlined above, an issue of much greater concern is the serious possibility of increased incidence of cancer and other life-threatening conditions.

Two major new studies raise questions about the long-term safety of breast implants. A team of researchers led by Louise Brinton, Ph.D., of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) recently published these studies on the long-term health effects of breast implants. One of the studies found that women with breast implants are more likely to die from brain tumors, lung cancer, other respiratory diseases, and suicide compared to other plastic surgery patients. The other study found a 21% overall increased risk of cancer for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.

While the authors were not able to determine whether implants were the direct cause of these illnesses, the results show a doubling of brain cancer and a tripling of lung cancer, emphysema, and pneumonia for women with implants. Even though these findings were described as "unexpected," they are consistent with previous research that shows brain abnormalities and lung problems related to breast implants. There was also a four-fold increase in suicide for breast implant patients, which is a very troubling situation.

Alternatives to Breast Enhancement Surgery

Given the many problems associated with breast augmentation surgery, the well-informed woman of today is increasingly looking for alternative solutions for breast enhancement. Women troubled with small or unshapely breasts need a solution to their problem, without the exorbitant costs and many risks associated with surgical breast enlargement.

Natural breast enlargement and enhancement are now proven to be effective and safe options, based on stimulating the estrogen receptors in the breasts with complex phytoestrogens from plant sources. Increasingly, women needing breast enhancement are opting for these natural solutions in preference to surgery.

Breast Augmentation Becoming a Confidence Boosting Factor in Women

Breast augmentation is done for the purpose of enhancing the shape and size of breasts. This procedure is perfect option for women having smaller or undeveloped breasts either naturally or due to other factors like aging, pregnancy, weight loss etc. Apparently the procedure improves your breasts physically only, but in reality the procedure improves your body image, your self-esteem and most of all your confidence. There are various types of procedure but the most common and popular is breast augmentation done by inserting implants in the breasts. There are various types of implants also but saline implants and silicone gel implants are more common. Other methods for enlargement of breasts are through fat transfer - using your own body fat to improve the size of breasts - and macrolane injections - use of injectable fillers - to give volume to breasts.

Women choose this procedure for them for a variety of reasons like for aesthetic purpose only, for reconstruction purpose or to build their self-esteem and confidence. Here we will come to know how the procedure can boost your confidence and how it affects the psychological, personal and social aspects of your life as well.

The foremost reason behind undergoing breast augmentation is aesthetic improvement. Breast implants significantly improve woman's figure by enhancing the breast size, reshaping the bust line and ultimately providing shapelier contour to the body. The procedure adds curves and definition to the profile of the body that makes it more attractive. Lack of balance in overall figure of body due to disproportionate bust line is considerably improved.

Breast augmentation provides you satisfaction about your appearance; this is an important factor that is associated with both the procedure of breast enlargement and your confidence. If you are going for the procedure to improve your appearance, you will obviously become satisfied with your breasts and figure after you gain successful results of the procedure that will ultimately improve your confidence making you feel good.

Another important thing that breast enlargement can do for you is it increases clothing options for you. It is the fact that women who undergo this procedure start wearing those outfits, they hesitated to wear before and this is only because they start feeling more confident about their body after getting breast enlargement surgery. Low cut tops and dresses can be worn more confidently after the procedure and if cloths are considered, perky and firm bust line makes them more expressive and striking.

The procedure significantly improves your personal life also. If you have undergone the procedure to improve your small breasts caused by aging, you will feel more youthful. Furthermore, improved size of breasts has a significant impact on your sexual life also after you get perfection in your body image. Furthermore, larger breasts are more symmetrical, lifted and proportional to rest of your figure that makes a positive difference in the way you not only look but feel.

This procedure opens a lot of doors both professionally and socially. It increases the chances of promotion in your job and opens path to career opportunities not due to your physical appearance but the improvement in the confidence and proficiency you get when you feel your appearance is perfect. It makes you comfortable with your relations and makes your social life more satisfying.

In short, breast augmentation surgery brings significant changes in your personal and social life by improving your self-esteem and confidence and makes you more happy and satisfied with your personality and life.

Risks Associated With Breast Augmentation Surgery

There are numerous and dangerous risks for women who undergo breast enlargement surgery. Complications such as infection, rippling or rupturing of implants, scar tissue that causes capsular contracture, bruising, and bleeding are just some of the risks associated with breast enlargement surgery. You should discuss the benefits and side effects of breast implants with your doctor, so you will be well informed and, therefore, make a knowledgeable decision for yourself and decide what is best for you. One of the biggest fears for women getting breast implants is capsular contracture. It is one of the most common complaints from patients who have undergone breast enhancement surgery.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

As your breasts heal after the operation, scar tissue (which can include calcium deposits) forms around the incision and breast implant. Sometimes mammograms may be more difficult to interpret when women have scar tissue and calcium deposits around their breast implants. Usually the natural scar tissue, which is part of the healing process, is minimal. But, the scar tissue may shrink and harden causing a hardening of the breast. It can occur in one or both breasts. It also may desensitize the nerves in the breast. Many women who experience this excessive formation of scar tissue complain of pain in the breast and asymmetry of the breasts.

Sometimes, depending on the severity of capsular contracture, an operation must be performed in order to correct the problem. The surgeon will remove as much excess scar tissue as possible, or even replace the breast implant if needed. In a small percentage of women, capsular contracture recurs even after breast enlargement surgery to correct the problem. These women must have their breast implants removed permanently. It may take years before problems start to arise after an initial successful breast enhancement surgery. No one can tell what future problems a woman may experience with breast implants. The longer you have breast implants, the greater your risk of complications. Other complications such as asymmetry, is a common problem after breast enlargement surgery. Most women naturally have slight asymmetry of their breasts. Breast enlargement surgery can correct an uneven appearance of breast size and shape. But, an unsuccessful surgery can increase or cause size and shape differences in the breasts. Then, these women often undergo surgery to correct the problems caused from the first surgery. Infection near the incisions is another scary complication of breast enhancement surgery. Sometimes the incisions do not completely heal. Necrosis, which is the breakdown of tissue often accompanies a skin infection.

The breast implant may start to protrude through the muscle and tissue if infection and necrosis occurs. The chances that necrosis will occur increase due to a variety of factors such as: undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation of the breasts; the use of steroid drugs; cigarette smoking; among other reasons. If enough tissue breakdowns occur, the breast implant may become exposed and the breast implants must be removed to prevent further risks to your health. Breast implants may cause the undesirable rippling appearance of the breasts. This

sometimes happens with silicone implants and if the breast tissue is very thin. We have stated just some of the most common problems with breast implants and breast enlargement surgery. There are even more risks and complications that you may discuss with your surgeon. Some women have to live with scars and abnormalities caused from breast implants for the rest of their lives.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Arm Circles Exercises

It will be easy for you to work with this type of exercise. You don’t have to spend much time and effort with this exercise. However, although the process of the exercise is simple, you can stimulate your breast tissue grow effectively. It means the exercise will stimulate the production of new tissue in the breasts which will help you increase your breast size effectively and naturally. Make sure it is done properly. Extend your arms with light weights in each hand. This should be at your shoulder level; and then make circles. Repeat the movement at least 15 times. Once you feel tired in your muscles, you will start to see results.

Breast Augmentation Surgery - You Need to Know This Before Deciding

Breast augmentation surgery is on the rise. More and more people go for augmentation mammoplasty. Breast augmentation has been one of the most successful and fast developing areas in plastic surgery for the last 10 years.

With breast augmentation surgery you have a number of options available that are cut to tailor your personal needs and wants as far as the size and shape of your breasts are concerned. It should be noted that surgical methods as well as breast-implant technology has been greatly enhanced lately.

Nowadays breast augmentation surgery is not that invasive and there are much more options available and better post-surgical results.

In order to make up your mind for a surgery it is necessary to get the full information on the topic as what it involves and what you should expect.

As far as the cost of a surgery is concerned, it differs very significantly considering the plastic surgeon and his experience, the region you live in, the type of the procedure itself, and some more factors. It is in fact hard and impossible to predict the exact price for a surgery.

In the majority of cases surgeons use breast implants. You have a chance to choose the size, type and even location of the implant that will meet your personal needs and requirements.

All the necessary information about breast augmentation surgery is available on the web. There you can also find the best match for you concerning the practice and surgeon to perform a breast augmentation surgery on you.

You can also get information about all types and methods of breasts augmentation surgery that are available nowadays. It is also of great importance to be aware of the side effects that may arise in some cases. Keep in mind that when you are well-informed you are forearmed. Thus, you know what to expect from the surgery and how to deal with it.

Breast Augmentation Surgery or Natural Breast Enhancement?

Due to high costs, potential health complications and oftentimes undesirable results of breast augmentation surgery, more and more women are turning to natural breast enhancement methods. Although not all of the natural enhancers on the market are effective, there are some that have actually yielded significant results, with mounting anecdotal evidence of their efficacy.

Most women are unaware of the health risks and costs involved with augmentation surgery. They are so consumed with increasing the size of their bust, that they do not consider the many side effects that can arise, the tens of thousands of dollars they will have to spend and the potential for a botched surgery that could leave them scarred for life.

Following are some facts to consider when it comes to breast augmentation surgery:

Implants will not last a lifetime, and you will most likely have to have them removed at some point due to a rupture, leak or other problem.
You will most likely need additional operations to address a health issue which has arisen from a complication from the surgery.
Oftentimes the result of surgery is cosmetically undesirable, and cannot be reversed. (We've all seen pictures of botched implant surgeries)
There is well-documented evidence of breast pain, asymmetry, loss of nipple sensitivity, ruptures, deflation and infections, among other local complications.
So as you can see, breast augmentation surgery might not be the best choice for you. Of course, it is the surest way to increase the size of your bust, but at what price? That's why natural breast enhancement might be a better option.

There are a number of natural enhancers currently on the market, including a variety of supplements, creams, pumps and other products. However, most of them do not work at all, which is why natural breast enhancement products as a whole are viewed unfavorably.

Pumps and similar products yield temporary results, producing a swelling effect that is passed off as breast enhancement. After a few minutes, breast size returns to normal, and you are right back where you started from.

Breast enhancing/firming creams usually contain a blend of natural herbal extracts with estrogenic compounds that purportedly stimulate new breast tissue growth. The problem is that most of these products do not contain enough active ingredient to have any real effect on breast tissue. Moreover, most breast creams do not contain the delivery system necessary to bring these stimulating ingredients across the skin barrier, even if they do contain significant amounts of these herbal extracts. At best they will cause a temporary swelling due to a reaction to the product.

Breast enhancement supplements are another option, and these appear to be the most promising alternative to breast augmentation surgery. Like breast creams, these supplements contain a number of specialized herbs such as fenugeek, fennel seed, dong quai root, dandelion root, watercress and kelp. However, since they are ingested rather than applied topically, herbal breast enhancement supplements can be much more effective than creams, especially if they contain ingredients to enhance absorption.

Although more studies need to be conducted, there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence pointing to the effectiveness of herbal breast enhancement supplements. Many women have in fact achieved significant results. If future research does support the use of these supplements, women will finally have a safe, viable alternative to breast augmentation surgery.

Please be sure to consult your physician before choosing between breast augmentation surgery and natural breast enhancement. He or she will help you make an informed decision.

Breast Augmentation Surgery - What You Should Know

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures in the United States. Just in 2005 alone, there was an estimated nine percent increase in breast augmentation surgery according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and since then it has only increased. Even though there are some questionable health hazards arising from this form of cosmetic surgery, more and more women are opting for this procedure to improve their figures. Whether due to the toll of motherhood, aging, or self esteem issues because of small breasts, women find that they can still save some of their youthful profile through this procedure.

The basic idea behind breast augmentation surgery is to insert a breast implant behind the breast tissue or in front of the breast muscle. Women can choose the size, shape and extent of the breast implant through this procedure, and the surgery involves minimal invasiveness. Another option for those who want less than half a cup size breast augmentation is a breast augmentation fat transfer. While it works on the same idea, the principle here to fill out your breast or to direct their size instead of bringing too noticeable a difference in their cup size. It should be remembered though, that breast enhancement surgeries require a high level of skill and should be performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, preferably one with expertise in breast enhancement procedures.

Since no two female bodies are exactly the same, it is also recommended to sit with your doctor and discuss the options available to you for the surgery. Since you will be greatly affected by this decision forever after, and breast size often has a direct impact on the physical appearance and ego of a woman, this step becomes particularly important. Ask your doctor or consultant about the choices you have for the implant, the incision location and the implant location. Be sure you understand what is happening, and the impact of your choices, since you will have to live with it every day.

There are several choices to make here, a few of which we will briefly go through. The incision can be made in a number of places, notably under the breast (this is known as the inframammory incision), in the arm pit (known as the transaxillory incision), around the nipple (known as periareoral incision) and in the naval area (the TUBAL incision). Depending on your own anatomy and the enhancements you want to make, the breast augmentation surgery will proceed. Then, you will have to decide where you want the implants. You can place them above the pectoral muscles, slightly behind the pectoral muscles, or completely behind them.

You should also discuss whether you want silicone implants or saline based implants. While it has not been proven, many women worry about side effects from leaking silicone implants and they received a great deal of bad publicity about ten years ago. While saline breast implants are also an alternative in breast augmentation surgery, what you will end up choosing also depends on the volume of the implant and whether you want this to be adjustable post-surgery or not.

Best Way to Naturally Increase Bust Size without Exercise

Best Way to Naturally Increase Bust Size without Exercise 

Video: how to increase breast size by massage

 how to increase breast size by massage

Video: Breast Self Massage

Video: How to do a Breast Self-Massage

How to do a Breast Self-Massage

A Easy Massage To Enhance Bust Size

Breasts are very important for every women and men. Women's self-confidence is frequently linked to the size of their breasts, but not each woman finds himself with the type of breasts that she is happier with. While lots of women resort to risky and costly surgical operation to grow their breasts, there is an easier, more natural method which costs nothing. If you massage your boobs for 20 to 35 minutes a day, they should grow one cup size larger in 30 days.

 Massage does two factors to encourage growth. One advantage of massage is increased circulation. Since phytoestrogens going through the bloodstream, the more blood you have flowing to your boobs, the easier it is for your breast receptors to pick up what they need in order to grow. Another advantage of massage is prolactin production. This important breast-enlargement hormone is started by regular stimulation of the breasts and nipples.

For performing the massage, firstly start by rubbing your hands together as quick as you possibly can to generate energy and heat. When your hands are warm, place them on your boobs. Rub the inside with your hands and continue around your breasts in a circle. Your right hand will circle in a clockwise direction, and your left hand will circle counter-clockwise. Do a minimum of 100 to 300 circular rubs in the morning and another before sleeping. Every circular rub should last about two seconds. Pause from time to time and rub your hands ensemble to re-warm them. The full 300 rubs should take between 10 to 15 minutes. By doing this two times a day, you should be able to increase a cup size within one month.

If you like using a massage oil, you can use this mixture: blend 16 drops of Ylang oil with 9 drops of geranium oil in a base of 50 ml of almond oil. Rub this into your breasts two times a day either during your massage or separately. This mixture has been noted to produce great results in increasing the size of the breasts.

 A great secondary effect to doing this is that your menstrual flow will be lowered dramatically since the breast massage stimulation will create a state within your body where the blood you normally lose through your period will rush up to make your breasts bigger. Another great secondary effect is that the surge in hormones will reduce your PMS. You will also experience increased teat sensitivity, but prevent touching your teats when doing your breasts massage.

 This method of breast massage is a part of a former Taoist exercise, the female deer exercise. That means it has been used and tested for possibly thousands of years. All you need is your hands, some time, and dedication to have larger breasts in just 30 days.

Use makeup to increase your breasts size

Use makeup to increase your breasts size

You know that powder foundation that was a shade too dark for your face? Use it on your chest! No joke! Using a blush brush, brush a little bit of powder foundation on your cleavage, creating a v-shape (go a little on top of your breast to create a natural line). This can help enhance your cleavage and, even if you don't have it, allows you to flaunt it!

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